Some New Years Resolutions for Your Business
OK, so it's early on New Years morning, and my wife is gonna kill me if I don't get off the computer soon. Since I don't want to die, I'll make this one short.A new year can be a sobering thought. We remember the past and we ponder the future. And some of us do resolutions. Resolutions are often good things, guidelines to help us navigate our way into the new year. Here are a few to help your business in 2007.
1. I will seek to be of service. Being of service covers a whole lot of things, but it's mostly in your attitude. If your attitude is, "I'm going to do the best job I can, and I'm going to provide a good, helpful service toward everyone associated with me in this field," you've just covered about 90% of the job.
2. I will try to maximize my profits. I will aim for higher paying accounts, work with companies that pay more, and cultivate agents who do high quality work.
3. I will cut expenses. Are you paying too much for cell phone service, or internet access? Are you driving a huge gas-guzzler? Seek to ruthlessly cut expenses, and make your dollars work more efficiently.
4. I will quit complaining. Complaining is an acid that eats into your life. When you feel a complaint coming to your mouth (or even in your mind), ask yourself, "Will this do any real good? And can I do something to correct this situation, rather than just complaining about it?"
5. I will quit hanging around complainers. Negative people wear you out. Avoid them whenever possible. If you can't avoid them, just nicely tell them, "I really don't want to hear that," when they start their complaints. It really does work.
6. I will get better. I will finish 2007 a better examiner, more proficient, more skilled at all the things that make up my work. Don't be mediocre.
7. I will use time to my advantage. Drive time can be a time to learn (think books on CD, meditation time, whatever). Time doing exams can be done more efficiently. We all have 24 hours a day. Successful people just use that time more efficiently.
8. Finally, I will enjoy myself. Your work really can be fun. You have a challenging, important job. Do it well, enjoy the work and the people you meet every day, and learn to thrive on the challenges. Every day is going to have irritations, mild disappointments, and occasionally annoying people. Just don't let those minor speed bumps become the focus of your life. Deal with them, and enjoy the ride.
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